A Charlottesville wedding in August?
It happens. Venues get booked early for the optimum months of April May, June and early July. You came to this wedding planning process a little late. Add to that you are trying to squeeze your wedding into your summer calendar, before the start up of school, or that new job. And so. You plan to have a Charlottesville wedding in August. “Not the best,” you tell yourselves, “But it will all work out. We’ll make sure everyone is hydrated. We’ll serve ice water before the service. We’ll keep the service short and sweet and the reception will be inside—in air conditioning.”
You book the venue. Then, you send out the Save the Date postcards. At first your guests are ecstatic. “They are finally tying the knot! So glad!” they say to themselves. But then they read the place and the date. A Charlottesville wedding in August? They’ve got to be kidding.” Still, they love you. They want to be there for you. “Ok, we’ll go. We’ll suffer. It’s important.”
Close to the time of wedding, you and your beloved begin to have second thoughts, though. “Grandma has a heart condition. Uncle Fred just got out of the hospital. Six children will be there, under the age of ten. This could be a nightmare.”
Have I set the stage here? That is exactly the backstory I imagine for a wedding at which I officiated last weekend. The wedding was at the lovely (but in August, hot) Keswick Vineyard.
I don’t actually KNOW the backstory. Like I said I am just imagining here. I DO know about the rehearsal. I know because I suffered through it along with the wedding party. Ninety-five degrees outside. NO tree cover. No cloud cover. Seven whiny ring bearers and flower girls. And did I mention it was 95 degrees? Lots of brow dabbing, Sweaty stiff-upper-lips. No one talked about the rehearsal dinner which was to follow, or the bride’s lovely wedding-rehearsal dress. All talk was of what? THE WEATHER. The wedding coordinator hopefully suggested that the weather could be “A little cooler tomorrow.” But we knew it was not to be. Charlottesville is just brutal in August.
The day of the wedding I DID NOT wear a robe, even though the couple wanted a religious service. My clerical collar would have to do. Even that would be one layer too much, in my book.
Ok. You ready? Here comes the SAVE! The groom, in a moment of genius either late in the evening, after the rehearsal dinner; or maybe the morning of his wedding day, had an inspiration. “Let’s skip having the vineyard as our backdrop. Let’s find a friendly tree stand.” And that is what he and Keswick’s property managers did. Not too very far from the reception area, they staked out a fine piece of land. Tall pine trees raised their branches heavenward. Vineyard managers quickly removed the few low hanging ones. The area was large enough to accommodate 160 chairs, with room to spare for the wedding party and a band. No sun bearing down. Although not “cool” the wedding was bearable, enjoyable even. Which is the way weddings should be.
Venue personnel were so taken with the results, that they plan to “sell” the idea to potential clients. Why NOT have a wedding in Charlottesville in August? It’s a great idea. That groom deserves kudos! And may his marriage be happy and long lived. Enjoy the pics!

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