Dear Engaged Couple-
I think I can now say I’ve done it all, at least until a couple comes up with something different to surprise me. Last weekend, I officiated at a lovely wedding at Hermitage Hill Farm in Augusta County. Per a couple’s request, I/we incorporated a chemistry experiment into their wedding service. Both halves of the couple work in the field of science and technology, so it was right in keeping with their professional lives. I share this ceremony with you, in case you think that it might be appropriate to have a Chemistry Experiment for YOUR wedding.
The couple found a long, narrow glass cylinder with a base (like a very tall drinking glass) and two smallish glasses. One of the smallish glasses was filled with Sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) and the other, with Acetic Acid (aka vinegar). These elements rested on a table immediately behind the officiant (Me!). After the exchange of rings and the exchange of vows, I said:
“__________ and __________ wanted to find a way to visually represent for themselves and for you, their guests and family members, their relationship—how it began, how it continues. They decided that today they would do a Chemistry experiment. Well, not an experiment exactly, since we know how it will turn out!
What is it that is usually said when two people get along really well together? That they have great chemistry! A chemical reaction occurs when two independent compounds come together and form something entirely new. To illustrate, here ______ and ________have two common kitchen ingredients, baking soda and vinegar. When these two compounds react together, they form carbon dioxide gas, sodium acetate and water. Initially this combination is very reactive, much like the start of any new relationship, but over time the combo stabilizes.”
I stepped aside and the couple came up to the table and poured the baking soda and vinegar together into the tall glass. Voila–Mount Vesuvius. Bubbles rose up and over the edge of the tall glass. Then, after a few minutes the bubbles subsided.
Now I’ve seen it all. Well, until next time, that is.
Your Wedding Preacher for Hire
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